
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

States do not require all notifications of substance exposed newborns (SENs) to be reported for child maltreatment. However, some cases could be reported if they meet certain criteria, such as if there is also an allegation of child abuse of neglect or there is a risk of harm. Please note this variable does not distinguigh whether states have a separate notification system for SENs, rather it reflects whether or not all notifications are reported.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

State's laws or policies include tribal involvement in accepting reports of tribal cases involving American Indian or Alaska Native children


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Information requested at time of report includes family or household member's identifying information and other information, including contact information, developmental issues, domestic violence/family functioning


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Information requested at time of report includes parent, guardian, or caregiver/caretaker's identifying information and other information, including contact information and developmental issues


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Information requested at time of report includes reporter's identifying information and other information, including contact information and any actions taken by reporter to treat or assist the child