State requires youth to be employed to remain in extended foster care
State requires youth to be employed to remain in extended foster care
State requires youth to be enrolled in school to remain in extended foster care
State has no criteria for youth to remain in extended foster care. Youth automatically transition from foster care to extended foster care.
Specification of state's requirement of other process for youth to receive to receive extended foster care
State requires youth to proactively request, provide consent, or opt in to receive extended foster care
Specification of other age to which state provides extended foster care
Age to which state provides extended foster care for those older than 18 years old
Specification of other types of extended foster care services available to those older than age 18
State provides extended foster care usually under state custody with voluntary placement agreement for those older than age 18. Extended foster care can be funded through Title IV-E foster care payments or other funding, such as from state.
State law codified federal ICWA requirement applies to state-recognized Tribes, which may include Tribes that are not federally-recognized