Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Specification of child age included in child maltreatment definition, including when there is variability for certain ages or when they are in the care of the child welfare agency

DefAge_Specify: Age of child specified in definition
1 - Under age 18; 2 - Under age 18 with variability under 18; 3 - Under age 18 and up to 21 if in the care of the agency; 4 - Under age 18 with variability over 18; 5 - Under age 18 with variability under 18 and over 18; 6 - Under age 18 and up to 21 if in the care of the agency and variability over 18; 7 - Under age 18 and up to 21 if in the care of the agency and variability under 18; 8 - Under age 19